ASB Calculator

Estimated Future Value

RM 91,756.30

Investment Breakdown

YearTotal Value (RM)Annual Interest (RM)Total Invested (RM)

ASB Overview

The Bumi-specific, restricted unit trust fund named Amanah Saham Bumiputera (translated as ‘Bumi Trust Savings’) came into being via Permodalan Nasional Berhad (translated as ‘National Trust Corporation’) – an investment fund initiated by the government’s Unit Trust Corporation. Amanah Saham Bumiputera was promoted by the government as a safe and stable outlet for investment through which Bumiputeras ‘would grow in wealth through the medium of low-risk, long-term investment’.

Regulatory Framework

ASB works according to a clear regulatory regime that ensures a stable, secure fund. The major regulatory institutions overseeing ASB are:

ASB Investment Guidelines

Through these guidelines, PNB has made it clear to ASB that investment is to yield a steady return while keeping Specifically:

Key Features of ASB

In summary, ASB presents investors with a variety of advantages. These include:

Eligibility and Application Process

ASB is only open to Malaysian citizens who identify as Bumiputera. ASB units can be applied for through several routes, including:

ASB Financing Options

To increase the accessibility of ASB investment, some monetary institutions grant ASB financing. ASB financing will provide leverage to the ASB investment, enabling investors to borrow investment money from these monetary institutions for the purchase of ASB units. The factors to consider for ASB financing are as follows.

Using the ASB Calculator

The ASB Calculator is a very useful tool for would-be investors as well as the investors, which allows them to calculate the anticipated value of their investments as per the given input values through the formula. It computes based upon the input values for the step by step calculation of the final result as requestede.Following parameters are used for this calculation:

Upon inputting these values, the calculator provides an estimated future value of investment, thus empowering the investors with prior knowledge of future target values, enabling them to make logical decisions with respect to financial goals. The primary benefits of this calculator are in response to the following queries:


ASB is an important avenue for wealth accumulation of the Bumiputera in Malaysia. With explicit government support, attractive returns and cheap commercial financing, ASB continues to be a very popular investment product that ensures a safe and stable financial return. With the ASB Calculator, investors will be able to visualise return potential before investing and make informed decisions for their financial well-being.

Table of Key ASB Features

Feature Description
Capital Preservation ASB aims to protect the principal investment while generating returns.
Tax-Free Dividends Dividends earned through ASB are exempt from Malaysian income tax.
Competitive Returns Historically offers higher returns compared to savings accounts and fixed deposits.
Liquidity Investors can redeem their units at any time, providing easy access to funds.
Financing Options Financial institutions offer loans to purchase ASB units, with competitive interest rates.